The Bigfoot Encounter
The forlorned man was walking through the woods when he began to falter because of the enormity of the Bigfoot infront of him. Bigfoot had a bland pizza in his mouth and a vendor's arm in his hand. Bigfoot tried to obliterate mankind. He began to ransack my campsite for people. I tried to make an armistace with him. But he was being naive and selfish and ran after Megan because she was running into a niche close by Bigfoot. Megan became irascible and bit him on the foot. Then a demonized toaster came out of the darkness and toasted Megan and everyone in a 20 foot radius.
This is a great story, I will pay you $50,000,000,000,000 for this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I own a toaster just like that!!!!! I bought it on Ebay!?
This a great story worthy of awards! SHAKE AND BAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You say Megan got fried? Awwww... That means I can't use my horde of weasels. darn it.
secret j.
P.S. You've gotta teach me how to make these stories!
P.S.S. naw. you've just got to teach me how to make my own website.
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